The endangered Black-necked cranes roost in Bhutan in winter

With more than 700 bird species on last count, Bhutan is home to an astonishing variety of avian species that have drawn birders and ornithologists from all over the world.

About 50 species of known birds are winter migrants such as ducks, waders, finches, buntings and birds of prey. The partial migrants include cuckoos, bee-eaters, warblers and flycatchers.

16 species of vulnerable birds are found in Bhutan include the Pallas’s Fish Eagle, White bellied Heron, Satyr Tragopan and Gray bellied Tragopan among others.

Birds in danger of extinction such as the Imperial Heron and the Black necked crane, which migrates from Tibet in winter are also found in Bhutan.

This amazing diversity is largely because of Bhutan’s efforts to preserve and protect the natural environment based on the Buddhist principle of living in harmony with nature and sharing the earth with other beings.

The best locations for birding are in the eastern part of the country.Our local field guides know the best locations to view the feathered friends, including the rare and highly endangered.